
Landing on Kevin Saunderson’s KMS label, Sydney Blu makes a huge statement with a deeply involving, melodic dancefloor cut that sits somewhere between house and techno. Sydney Blu’s career can be considered a journey of evolvement. With tremendous passion for live performance, music production, and...

Initially known for creating a buzz with his first mixtape "Storms Coming", Rayne Storm is back unleashing a series of new singles as he preps the release of his first official album. The Harlem, New York representing rapper/producer returns with the new single "YNMM", the latest feature from "Uptown Baby" and "Still About...

London based song-writer, Nathassia touches down with the WestFunk remix of her intricately crafted electro cut, 'Is Everybody Searching'. Following a number of releases in recent times, including 'Turning Headz', 'Goddess' & 'Bang The Drums' – Dutch-born artist, Nathassia lets her creativity speak directly through her music & combines an...

R3HAB once again proves his dynamic production abilities with the new radio-friendly track "I Luv U" with Sofia Carson, which continues his venture into the pop world after the recent release of "Flames" with ZAYN & Jungleboi. Favoring softly undulating melodies and organic rhythms to his usual driving basslines and...

Dance music icons Sultan + Shepard celebrate the fifth anniversary of their hit "Keep Moving" with The Boxer Rebellion by releasing a reboot of the 2014's single. Classics fans have nothing to fear, as the original's heartfelt, cathartic vocals still shine amid soundscapes where delicate melodies concinnate with a muted progressive bassline....

Hailing from Washington D.C. H3nry Thr!ll touches back down with his latest studio output, signalling a change up in his production style - the cut delves firmly into a deeper shade of electronica than seen with his previous releases. We caught up with the talented...