
Gearing up for its sixth edition in Reykjavik, Iceland, Secret Solstice welcomes the return of its once-in-a-lifetime add-on events this June 21-23, 2019. Taking place within ultra rare and exclusive settings amongst Iceland’s otherworldly landscapes, this year's nature-inspired musical side events will include Into The...

Lost Village is an otherworldly 4 day festival experience, set in an abandoned woodland village. Encompassing surreal encounters, exceptional music, life-affirming food, creative workshops, side-splitting comedy, live talks and a plethora of wonderful discoveries, all set amongst a network of derelict houses, junkyards, an abandoned airport...

2019 marks 35 years since DJ Pierre started DJing and began laying the groundwork for what would become Acid House. His new, seven-part series of 35 remixes of Phuture’s ‘Acid Track’ is a celebration Pierre’s first monumental release and the spark for a new genre...