
Multi-faceted French musician Worakls has unveiled his brand-new single ‘Cloches’, a stunning production taken from his forthcoming Orchestra project. A uniquely reflective journey of melodic house and evocative electronica, ‘Cloches’ is accompanied by a visually striking video - directed by Bruno Mathe - in which a female protagonist...

Edetto returns to his self-titled imprint with a mesmerising techno single entitled ‘Got The Body’. Following on from his debut release that picked up support from the likes of Perc, Paco Osuna and Nicole Moudaber, the Bristol born producer Edetto follows up with an equally consistent...

MA?K (known as Question Mark) has delivered a seriously luscious EP full of deep house warmth for Somn'thing Records. The EP is packed with lush, deep, house music. First up is ‘You Got’. A pure deep house gem that flows, driven by a rock-solid groove whilst uplifting...

Robert Zigrai - alias TKNO - is one of Serbia’s biggest techno exports, packing clubs and dance floors both in his home country and internationally with his acclaimed DJ sets. 'Zimbabwe' is another example of TKNO’s prowess as a producer. A follow up to 'Lost in...

French producer YokoO has unveiled his wistful new single, ‘Cingulomania’, a dreamy production filled with atmospheric riffs and deep luscious melodies. The track precedes the Berlin-based producer’s upcoming slew of tour dates, with YokoO performing at Vujaday Festival in Barbados, before taking his melodic tones to...