
LA queer pop duo TWINKIDS is Tokyo born Gene Fukui and Floridian Matt Young, two songwriters and producers whose unabashed lyrics tackle the anxieties of being young, gay, and in love. Gene and Matt first met while studying at Oberlin College and the Conservatory of Music, whose...

ONYVA makes his striking NYC SOUP debut with States Love, a simultaneously dark and life-affirming house cut backed up with stellar remix from Eskuche and Renegade Master.   First and foremost, ONYVA‘s music is designed for the dance floor, and the UK artist has quickly established a...

Line-up phase 2 of 3 for this year’s game-changing MDRNTY Cruise has now been announced, with an enormous 3rd phase still to be revealed. Joining the already special line-up are the likes of Alci, Archie Hamilton, CAP, DJ Reas, Djebali, Edu Imbernon, Giorgio Maulini, Herodot, James...