
Eli Brown returns to Repopulate Mars with three lively house cuts entitled ‘Guru EP’ this February. Having established himself as a highly respected producer within the drum n bass scene, it’s unsurprising that Eli Brown is hotly tipped as one of the most exciting prospects in...

A dark and passionate musical collaboration between Na’el Shehade and Via Rosa, DRAMA have become the subject of widespread critical acclaim following the release of their ‘Gallows’ EP in November 2016.   A Chicago-based duo established as artists in their own right, with Na’el having previously worked with...

US producer Daun Giventi bursts back on Enhanced Progressive with a sensational new tune bringing the San Francisco-based producer's delicate, yet powerful sound back on to the label, this is 'Valkyrie'. Bringing a perfectly balanced combination of smooth melodic builds around a satisfying, warm low end,...