
Accomplished duo Sultan + Shepard have released an enigmatic music video for their latest single 'Damn' which features appearances from both Sultan + Shepard and Red Rosamund. The video’s enchantingly vibrant backdrop immediately strikes a genre defying tone which pairs perfectly with Rosamond’s velvet vocals. The video showcases...

This July will see Fur Coat launch their new Oddity imprint aimed towards a darker, tripped-out Techno sound with their ‘Genesis’ EP, accompanied by a remix from electronic music pioneer’s Slam. Venezuelans Sergio Munoz & Israel Sunshine aka Fur Coat have carved out an impressive career...

London based DJ and producer Markhese, originally hailing from the depths of Italy, is no outsider to the world of Dance music. Obtaining support from the likes of: Moguai, Yves V, Fedde Le Grand and many more, he's certainly making his way onto the scene...