
The 70th edition of The Magician’s successful Magic Tape mix series is available to download now. Consistently filled with the newest, hottest tracks, the Magic Tape series highlights The Magician’s talent for staying on top of what’s going on the industry as well as showcasing...

Kerri Chandler's Madhouse Records turns 25 with 25 different project across the next 12 months. After years of dreaming and months of meticulous planning, a young Kerri Chandler is checking the final masters of his latest track ‘Matrix - Get Out’ and putting together the final...

Mexico City native Dorian Padilla aka DJ and producer Doriaan debuts on Bonzai Progressive with the superb ‘Buffet Froid’ which also features two solid remixes from no less than two dynamic duos. A lover of all things progressive, Dorian has seen several releases gain some...

Welcoming a new name to the Colorize family, atmospheric Ukrainian producer Sense8 delivers a sublime 2-track EP, 'Tokyo Time / Furidashi'. Opening with 'Tokyo Time' Sense8's soothing ability to create delving soundscapes delivers by the bucket-load here with a relaxing, grooving opener to the EP. Completing his...