
Launching in 2010. Creche quickly became the capital’s leading underground party series, throwing roadblock events at a plethora of the capital’s premier venues. By 2011 Creche was the hottest ticket in town, with founders Alexis Raphael and Cozzy D selling out Ministry of Sound three...

Since their release of "Cashmere Sweater," Sultan + Shepard have come forth with a brand-new single."Damn," which features the vocals of LA-based singer-songwriter Red Rosamond, is out now via Armada Music. Immediately striking the right tone with Red Rosamond’s velvet vocals and an enchanting chord sequence, ‘Damn’ is without a...

'Words You Say' is Oscar P’s first release with UK based label Static Music. The Brooklyn native brings his production skills across the Atlantic with just over 6 minutes of smooth meditative house. His style fuses Afro-Latino and Deep House influences from NYC, Chicago and Detroit, to make a sound...

Introducing Denrei, a bi-coastal electronic duo with fresh perspective & sound. Their debut single, "itzashayme" drops today via self-release on all streaming + download platforms. Drawing on elements from hip-hop, electronic, and even indie rock, the track unfurls into a lush soundscape, exuding energy and...