
Bringing a new name to Enhanced Progressive, San Fransisco-based producer SCHALA serves up a gorgeously evocative 2-tracker, in the 'Alter Time EP'. Kicking off with 'Algorithm', SCHALA introduces himself to Progressive fans with a superb journey through rising chords, crunching pads & ethereal harmonies in a...

Mid March will see Wareika release ‘The Magic Number’ LP via Visionquest, comprising nine original compositions from the trio. Wareika is the collective guise of musical trio Florian Schirmacher, Henrik Raabe and Jakob Seidensticker and together the artists have firmly cemented themselves as a driving force...

Christoph Vogel is the next artist to step up to the Empore Music front. The Kiel-based imprint’s first EP dropped earlier this summer courtesy of label-bosses Avidus with the support of Data Transmission, When We Dip, Soundspace, The Ransom Note, Exclaim and House Cult. Label-bosses Avidus’...