
New York based artist Howlbek puts forth Tears Recordings first release. The debut EP, ‘Panthera’ begins with a heavy percussive reverberation gently accelerating with canorous undertones before finding a continuous pace. The title track eventually tapers off to take on a harmonious timbre leaving the...

American artist Dangerouz sets the scene for 2016 with the release of his highly anticipated track ‘Accomplice’. Out on the 1st of February, 2016, exclusively on Beatport, ‘Accomplice’ is sure to kick-start what will be a big year ahead for Dangerouz. Jesse Garza, the talent behind...

This week Melbourne indie/electro-pop producer Emerson Long is excited to share his latest single ‘Heatwave’, the first in a collection of tracks he has planned for release throughout 2016.   With a conceptual story in his mind, Emerson Long was playing around on his piano and singing...

Jonas Rathsman continues his fine run of form in 2016 making his debut on Solomun’s stellar, Hamburg-based imprint Diynamic Music. ‘Cobalt’ is a slick and propulsive track with staccato bass, driving percussion and turbulent late night synths. After gaining impressive DJ support in the clubs...

Claps Records is the new label from two Italian House Heads, Luca Guerrieri and Marco Roncetti, who have set the bar high with their debut release from Ghustav, enlisting the sublime talents of UK singer/songwriter Lettie. We grabbed 60s seconds with Lettie to find out...