
Previously premiered on Billboard, the announcement of Tchami’s brand new label Confession had fans buzzing about this new venture. Now, to celebrate the launch of the label and give his fans a preview of what’s to come, Tchami has blessed his fans with a free...

It’s safe to say London based duo taMe have created a unique sound, always pushing boundaries and certainly belong among the avant-garde of electronic music makers at the moment. Here, working with acclaimed singer / songwriter Lauren Francis, they have produced two stunning pieces, surely...

Inpetto, one of the hottest sibling DJ/production duos around, are back with another track destined for dancefloor success. Out on Laidback Luke’s respected Mixmash imprint, ‘Lifting’ will be released on the 30th November.Hailing from Dorsten, Germany, brothers Dirk and Marco Duderstadt are no strangers to...

Following his debut release TCOLT, part-Danish and nominal part-English citizen Sebastian Zieler – aka ticktock – is unveiling Fault Lines, his second EP, on 4th December 2015 via The Big Oil Recording Company. Zieler’s brand of austere electronica takes as many of its cues from sci-fi...