
Los Angeles based producer Jaust makes their next step towards his forthcoming self titled debut album.Taking inspiration from 90's cult classic movie La Haine, where violence and beauty collide, Free beams us into outer regions and unfolds the sonic journey of this unique and unpredictable...

Born in North West London to second-generation Irish parents, Good Love is 23 year old, Patrick McManus, a film graduate turned singer/songwriter/producer. ‘Alone’ is his new release, mastered by Metropolis’ Stuart Hawkes (Rudimental, Disclosure, et al), and recently premiered by The Fader.Self taught on the...

Soma welcome Techno behemoth Monoloc for his label debut with two dark, brooding Techno tracks in his inimitable style with the ‘Gipson EP’. Monoloc was born in 1980 in Frankfurt am Main. He first got in touch with the booming electronic music scene of this...