
Los Angeles warehouse DJ veteran Jason Blakemore relaunched his seminal Life Music label over a year ago. It's acknowledged as having helped document the California house music sound alongside his other label ventures, Bassex Records and Fiveleg. Blakemore knows his stuff; he started as a...

Just one week since the unexpected release of her critically acclaimed debut album “Broke With Expensive Taste,” Azealia Banks has premiered the official music video for her current single “Chasing Time.” The stunning new video, directed by Marc Klasfeld, made its worldwide premiere today via...

Robot Koch's debut EP for Monkeytown brings the intense, emotional soundscapes of one of Germany´s most talented producers to Modeselektors homebase. For the release with Monkeytown, Robot has compressed  the united forces of his and various friends into 5 driven tracks that show a yet unheard...

Challenging bands, listener and label alike in an intimidating and invigorating assault on the senses, Evil Blizzard and Mamuthones join forces for Collisions Vol. 4, Rocket Recordings' (home of GOAT) fourth instalment of their split EP series.The mysterious and ghoulish-masked nightmare voyagers Evil Blizzard have...