
Marcus Knight is no stranger to the electronic music world. An accomplished writer, producer and touring performer of almost 20 years. Based in Australia, Knight’s official credits include an impressive list from Carl Cox, Armand Van Helden, Marshall Jefferson, Mighty Dub Katz, Timberland, Roland Clark, Missy...

After the release of their beautiful debut EP Annunciation last year, Strange Boy return with the video for lead single Corbusier. Set in a quiet and bleak seaside town, a girl becomes obsessed with leaving her reality behind. She creates an oasis for herself in a forest...

In what’s undoubtedly his most exciting career move to date, Kasbo announces his debut album Places We Don’t Know out 23rd March via Foreign Family Collective/Counter Records. Fans can pre-orderthe album now. The announcement comes readily equipped with a new single, “Aldrig Mer (feat. TENDER),” which...

Marcus Knight has a habit of creating incredible Dance music. His newest offering ‘Meridian’ shows he is ready to kick-start 2018 by continuing and progressing his productions to even higher levels. The Australian DJ/producer has a glimmering history within Dance music and it’s not hard...