
American collaborators US & SerGy pair up once again to deliver their high-energy house single ‘Crushit’ on CUFF this January. New York-based duo US’s shared artistic vision was formed after a series of back-to-back sets, before joining forces in the studio and releasing on labels like...

Rising UK DJ/Producer James Dexter makes his debut on Audiojack’s Gruuv imprint to kick off 2018 with his ‘Mindstate EP’, whilst the ever-impressive Mihai Popoviciu steps up on remix duties. With previous releases on Poker Flat, Holic Trax, Roush and his own Inermu imprint, 2017 was...

NY-based producer Jenaux brings his infectious, funk-flavoured sound back to Enhanced with the engrossing 'Sentiments', alongside the powerful vocals of Bryce Fox. A producer who's carved his own niche following thanks to consistently brilliant, groove-laden productions that incorporate multiple styles, and with it, forming his own...

After sharing new single ‘Namek’ featuring Chester Watson last month (the first taste of his upcoming debut ep), Sydney producer JVLY is now ready to give us the ep’s second single ‘Void’, featuring the vocal stylings of Sydney artist SARAI.   ‘Void’ is the first song JVLY...