
Mooz is set to release a new EP on his imprint Hidden Suite this December. Burnt Souls EP is a musical narrative inspired by crack addiction. Title track Burnt Souls starts off the release with powerful pounding techno whose anxiety-inducing grating sounds numb the listener with...

French new talent Aslove has proven himself to be an unstoppable force, having made a drastic impact with each of his releases. His latest set of anthems form his brand new ‘Preface(s)’ EP, which looks set to be his biggest triumph yet. After his first ever...

Today Friend Within announces Love Defined, his first extended solo project and teases it with the release of ‘Jungoal’. A bubbling, synth heavy banger infused with traditional African vocal samples and percussion, ‘Jungoal’ is the first track to be revealed from this 20-track playlist slated...

Canadian breakthrough act A-SHO delivers an acoustic video of his latest single, ‘Feel Something’. The stripped-back visual showcases A-SHO’s smooth vocal abilities alongside catchy guitar melodies. A natural extension of the vibrant original, the acoustic rendition breathes a new life into the track and captures...