
Dan Snow brings a unique sound to the scene, as his Classical and Jazz musical training shines brightly through his use of intricately interwoven riffs & melodies. As one half of Extended Play (with Josh Dupont) his work has featured on labels such as Crosstown Rebels, Bedrock, Mindwarp...

Released 4th August, ‘Woke’, continues a prolific year for Tiga. Premiered by Annie Mac on Radio 1, the electro-leaning new singlefrom the Canadian artist was co-produced by Tiga, Jori Hulkonnen (with whom Tiga created the ubiquitous ‘Bugatti’), and ClarianNorth, and mixed by Mark Ralph. Remixes...

Mess Me finds his way into an intimate, super emotional, Deep, & sophisticated House experience. His previous productions have seen release on Ampispazi Recordings (DE) and have been fully supported by some of the House and Techno scene elites. HOLD is the first Kinesen release of...

It’s been a hell of a busy year for Borgore, and with the release of his latest single “Savages,” the talented dubstep producer shows no signs of slowing down. The track starts off with a suspenseful build up leading into a futuristic melodic wave that crashes...