
In her new video, BFlecha rises through the levels of 'Zigurat', Kwalia's second single. After presenting ‘Rutas Circulares’ a few weeks ago, BFlecha premieres the music video for 'Zigurat', a new single of Kwalia, her expected second album due out in April. The video is the work...

Today, Joakim shares his 6th album Samurai. A landmark release in his extensive back catalogue (Tropics of Love, Nothing Gold, Fantomes), the latest LP presents a personal and conceptual body of work about the artist’s journey between NY, Tokyo and Paris.   Inspired by a range of...

Following the huge club success of her summer track ‘Spread The Love’ in 2016, 22-year-old singer, songwriter and self-taught producer Shaima has the determination and talent to become the newest pop sensation of 2017 with the unveiling her brand-new single, ‘Phenomenal’.   The scorching electronic pop song,...