
Montreal based duo Monitors make their debut on Silky & Barber’s London imprint Faceless Recordings with two original productions, whilst four remixes from Droog, Stefan Z, Ominous and label owner Silky complete the EP. Having released their debut EP in 2012 on hometown label Mile End...

At 23, William Rezé has already lived several artistic lives, which now seem to merge into a single project: Thylacine. Born and raised in Angers (France), Rezé is now set to release his first LP, Transsiberian, a concept album that puts the love of travel...

Once again benchmarking his return, RY X follows standout single Only, with the second offering from his highly-anticipated debut album Dawn titled, Deliverance. A seamless upbeat counterpart to it’s predecessor, Deliverance further showcases RY’s boundless ability to create thought-provoking atmospheric pop music, engulfed with his distinctively...

Turning to Aly & Fila's Future Sound Of Egypt Excelsior label once again with another one of his soul-stirring creations, LTN follows up on label debut 'Toss & Turn' with 'Oceans Away.' Drenched in silky atmospheres, spellbinding chord progressions and ZOYA's heavenly vocal tones, it...