
Jan Blomqvist’s debut album saw its highly-anticipated release on Amsterdam-based record label Armada Music. The album, titled ‘Remote Control’, sparks a global tour of the Berlin-based solo-artist and bandleader, taking him and his band to renowned venues in San Francisco, Singapore, Dubai, Paris, Berlin, and...

Belfast based producer Montel makes his debut on Madrid’s Stereo Productions to deliver ‘The Future’ EP, featuring two vocal infused, thunderous house rollers. Montel has been on the scene since early 2013. His first run of releases were a 'vinyl only' affair, but towards the end...

The acclaimed platform for aspiring producers will relaunch at Prince Charles on March 30th. CDR will relaunch its Berlin series in late March, featuring the signature Open CDR session (where the audience provide the DJ with tracks in progress) and a headline set from Local Talk...

Today, Boys Noize (Alexander Ridha) returns with a raw new track "Overthrow" and the accompanying video by director LIL INTERNET and Boys Noize himself. "Overthrow" combines a fresh take on heavy industrial textures with the signature sound of the German producer. Before heading back to...