
It has been another super season for clubbing and dance music on the ‘White Isle’. As soon as you hear Drumland Music’s new offering ‘Flatline’ you will be taken straight back to the dance floors of DC10, Sankey’s and the Space Terrace. Vientos has created...

Hailing from Canada Senseless Liveis a team-up between seasoned DJ and producer John Glasseyand talented songstress Kim Sykes. Joining Kim’s song writing background with John’s production mastery, the duo has already managed to put some distinctive work under their belt.In their first few months in...

Following a landmark summer series of five incredible London music festivals, FOUND returns for Halloween with two stellar nights. The Found Horror Series re-awakens for 2015 on the industrial dancefloors of Building Six! On Friday 30th and Saturday 31st October, The Horror Series descends on this...

MAZDE (pron. Maz-Dih) is the brainchild of 21-year old beautiful Bonn born electronic producer Matthias Dierkes. Now based in Berlin, the young gun, who trained in both classical and jazz composition from the age of six, first gained attention with his melodic and bass thumping...

After almost a year of silence, experimental producer Prayer presents his sophomore EP ‘Beneath,’ the next release in line from the Grade 10 collective. To announce the EP, Prayer has writtern 11 minute composition 'Silence Before' - a symphonic track developed in three movements that...