
French producer Manoo kick-starts the TRIBE Traks imprint, the sub-label to Zepherin Saint’s Tribe Records, with his ‘Electronikart’ single this August.Manoo has long been a treasured component in the French house community, earning a residency at Ambassade back in 1996 before turning his hand to...

Toronto multi-instrumentalist and producer River Tiber has dropped “Waves,” the first song off the forthcoming EP When The Time Is Right, set for self release September 16. The song premieres as part of a Complex feature on the young star, real name Tommy Paxton-Beesley, who...

Taking inspiration from his surroundings deep in the Tulum jungle, medicine man LUM takes us on an otherworldly trip, delivering a truly stunning EP for Crosstown sub-label Rebellion, featuring a remix from American duo Bedouin.“The ceremony starts in the jungle,’ explains LUM of the EP’s...

Portsmouth based producer Jon Gurd returns after two years with an emotionally charged release on the Derelicht imprint, featuring remixes from Dave Clarke and Ancestral Voices.A long time-friend and recording partner of Alan Fitzpatrick, as well as one third of Mister Woo with Dave from...