
Andy C has unveiled his new single, ‘Heartbeat Loud’ featuring Fiora, his first release since signing to Atlantic Records. The track was premiered on Radio 1 as Zane Lowe’s ‘Hottest Record’ (10/11/14) and can currently be heard via Andy’s Soundcloud. ‘Heartbeat Loud’ ft. Fiora, which also...

Following the release of a string of successful remixes and originals throughout the summer on Moonchild, Stripped Recordings, Clinique Recordings and Sudbeat Music, Dale Middleton ushers us into the Autumn with his latest project 'Tord.' Cementing his credentials within the underground house scene early on...

Pop Rox Muzik strikes again with another youthful signing in the shape of 19-year-old BeeJ - a Seattle based up and comer with an appetite for classy keys, uplifting melodies and memorable synths that look back at more traditional Progressive House and Trance styles. Rather...