
Given a world premiere via Pete Tong’s Radio 1 show, Samual James releases his electrifying anthem ‘Vita’ on August 4th, through Sony Music and Jon Hanlon’s collaborative imprint Basik Rkrds. The Melbourne native puts on a fiercely unique display of sounds with this single, and...

Hailing from Australia, the four-piece alt-indie outfit known as Buchanan have taken their sound in a significantly different direction, adding an unmistakable electronic flavour with the next step in what has already proved to be an impressive musical journey; Buchanan have now released their first...

Legendary producer Gez Varley a.k.a. G-Man dives to the depths of Techno to surface with Beatsmith, a pristine collection of original sounds from Industrial Strength Samples.The one and only G-Man distills the essence of Techno in this immaculate arsenal of essentials and beyond. This tight...