
Introducing a new name to Enhanced, Sugar Jesus delivers a sensual, vocal-led debut featuring the spine-tingling lyrics from Leda in the brilliant 'Crying Wolf'. Full of subtle touches and intricate instrumentality, Sugar Jesus brings his unique sound to Enhanced with 'Crying Wolf', introducing the London-based producer...

Pretty Pink is back with her latest single, ‘Overrated’ by way of Lost Frequencies’s label, ‘Found Frequenices’. Following recent releases, ‘Pure’ and ‘Change’, ‘Overrated’ marks her 5th record of the year.   ‘Overrated’ is a transcendent progressive house hit that begins with an unfaltering bass-line topped with...

Rapidly evolving producer, Calvin Aziszam, is making his way onto the electronic scene with his new single, ‘I’m Sorry’. The single is a vibrant display of Aziszam’s artistic vision that also channels a lo-fi aesthetic. ‘I’m Sorry’ allows fans to immerse themselves in a melodic, chime-infused...

Bojangles and the Real Deal Network Team present the Biggest Ladies Night Out in London For Ladies all around starting on Thursday the 25th of October & every thursday thereafter with games,karaoke, music, and great food. Cocktails at only £5 Hosted by Sir Dancealot along with DJs Mr...