
Maltese singer-songwriter Berne will release her debut solo EP 'Conversation' on 13 November 2015, from which her emotive single 'In The Woods' set for release on 16 October is taken."‘Conversation’ is about relatable situations that are seldom expressed in contemporary music. You will hear about...

Chronovision features his signature amped psych-pop with orchestral flourish, New Wave flare, and grungy fuzz, but multiplied with his intensity that only time and life's gut checks can enhance. The road to Chronovision was winding, owing to Oberhofer's resolve to produce the LP himself and...

Le Galaxie are back with their special brand of 80s fuelled synth-wave technopop, updated for the 21st Century, on their second album and big-label debut ‘Le Club’.  The electropop four-piece has been pegged by Hot Press as ‘Ireland’s outstanding party band’ and by The Irish...