
Roll up, roll up! Colonel Wrongface’s infamous Halloween Freak Boutique returns for another night like no other. Famed for its debauched production and obscure circus performances, the Halloween Freak Boutique is the zenith of oddities from the Just Jack powerhouse.Yet again, the Bristol contingent have...

World-traveled electronic music artist Kate Simko plays her debut at iTunes Festival on Monday 1st September. Supporting Deadmau5 at the famed Roundhouse venue, the Chicago-born electronic producer, and classical composer will be performing live as innovative and groundbreaking new project, Kate Simko & London Electronic...

Voting is now open for DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs Poll and runs until 15 September: TICKET LINK: Tickets have just gone on sale for Saturday 18th October, when 02 Academy Brixton will host the biggest Top 100 DJs party to ever hit the...