
Jordin Post, commonly known as Juventa is one of the new-breed of super talented DJ/Producers in the scene unrestricted by genre boundaries, who at every turn continues to amaze and entertain with his studio output and DJ performances that most artists could only dream of...

'Poolside Miami' offers the definitive collection of sun drenched beats & blissed out grooves; the ultimate accompaniment to long hot days by the pool. Our first destination: 'Miami' features 29 full-length tracks from Hackman, Satin Jackets, Zimmer, Crayon, Moullinex, Blamma! Blamma!, Miguel Migs, Crazy P,...

Back for its seventh year, the International Music Summit returns to Ibiza for 2014 at the new Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza with a speaker line-up assembled of influences and thought leaders from every aspect of the electronic music industry including artists, labels, executives, managers, agents...