
Maya Jane Coles, the multi-award-winning 26 year old British-Japanese producer/DJ, presents another new chapter in her remarkable career, following her critically-acclaimed debut album “Comfort” to provide the latest in fabric’s compilation series, fabric 75.The meditative propulsive house and techno for which Maya is renowned spurred...

Having released the massive ‘Guffaz EP’ on Defected’s sub-label DFTD in 2013, the momentum from this North England producer Cristoph shows no sign of waning. With international touring and support from the likes of Hot Since 82 under his belt, Cristoph returns to DFTD with a...

After more than a decade of notoriety on labels such as Cocoon, B-Pitch and Visionquest, French producer David K’s debut album, ‘Out of Range,’ brings an off-the-radar mixture of romantic melodies on drugs, rocking beats à la parisienne, and sounds to turn you on, released...