
Burgeoning techno duo Bonsai ring in 2021 with ‘Rule of Two’, a highly-anticipated 3-track EP that features atmospherically driving production elements from start-to-finish.The latest entrancing endeavor to come from the pair directly follows their hard-hitting remix of Galestian’s ‘Worlds Apart’, released in mid-September of last year, as...

Lauren Mayhew returns to the release radar with ‘Boys’, her first release of 2021 featuring production courtesy of New York City-based DJ/producer INViDA. The latest from the duo follows up ‘Lies’, their collaborative endeavor released alongside L.A.-based singer/songwriter Kymber McClay at the tail end of last February. The new...

Ahead of the Grammy Awards on Monday 15th March, ORLOVE has announced plans for a series of brilliant cover songs, which are due to go live with their esteemed YouTube channel, Under the Covers. [embed][/embed] “Under the Covers is all about spreading positivity through amazing music found...