
Nikolay Cranner introducing new release: Lies November 2019 - Nikolay Cranner is an artist and producer with a passion for Vocal House, Jazz House, and more. His style is dynamically rich and vibrant, as well as accomplished and highly sophisticated in terms of production. His most recent...

ANTS will head to the south of France for their final party of 2019, taking over the futuristic Azar Club in Lyon on Friday 27th December. The colony have trusted two international selectors and ANTS favourites to soundtrack the night: Swiss jetsetter Andrea Oliva and Chilean DJ Francisco Allendes, both known for bringing an energetic...

LOOPERS releases outstanding new track ‘You Want This’. The tune is characterized by vocals that provide a catchy hook and LOOPERS’ unique, raw and strong bass-filled sound.  This combination will assuredly shake the club scene once again!  LOOPERS was discovered as a diamond in the...