
Expanding its horizons, The Flow Festival brand has taken an exciting new step, announcing the inaugural , set to take place in the Slovenian capital between June 26th-28th. Taking over the picturesque city of a, the 2015 lineup features an incredible mix of iconic and...

Miami based Tegan has been on a consistent rise in the past months, having put himself in the limelight with top-productions such as: ‘Sapphire Remix’, ‘First Time’ and ‘Oyeme’, the latter gaining support worldwide, most notably from Diplo’s label Mad Decent and various press from...

This time last year Italian duo M+A were handpicked by Michael and Emily Eavis as the winners of their annual Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition, beating 2000 entrants in the process. After releasing their debut full length ‘These Days’ on Monotreme Records in September, the pair...