
In 2014 Grammy-nominated producer and world-renowned DJ Nic Fanciulli becomes the latest A-list artist to join the hallowed ranks of Defected’s acclaimed In The House series. Defected presents Nic Fanciulli In The House features a star-studded underground cast including Roman Flugel, Jovonn, Ben Sims, Theo...

DJ/Producer MAGNETIE has set out her own path in the world of EDM for the last few years. With an impressive discography to her name, she’s been showcasing her unique sound on the road which ranges from EDM bangers to more underground tech house and...

Klingande comes equipped to siege the hearts of America’s dance music fans. Represented by Cédric Steinmyller, a DJ and former music theory student from Croix in Northern France, Klingande leads a new and exciting sonic revolution that is making it’s way to The States this...

OpenLab Radiohas been playing the best in new, alternative, electronica and experimental music, across the Balearic Islands in FM and online to the world, since February 2013. Its 21st century take on the eclecticism for which Ibiza was originally famous, curated by electronic music pioneer and...